Friday, August 29, 2008

Tomorrow may rain, so I'll follow the sun

Stuart Shepard of Focus on the Family Action, James Dobson's political arm, asked people to pray for rain on Obama's speech in Denver.

It was a beautiful night.

Now it appears that Tropical Storm Gustav could delay the GOP convention in Minnesota The storm is not going to hit Minnesota, but something about having George Bush speaking while a hurricane hits New Orleans.

I will leave you to assign any meaning to it.

And just for the record, lest you think I hate GWB, I voted for Bush. This is not a GOP hate thing, I just don't care for religious leaders who try to turn God into some kind of parlor trick for their political agenda. Please pray for those that will potentially be effected by another possible hurricane in an already devastated region.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Chad, great post. If you liked "Pray for Rain", you'll love the parody video at YouTube: Pray for Diarrhea