Saturday, August 29, 2009

MORE Garden Adventures: Farmers Market!!!

So I took the plunge and set up a table at my first ever Farmers' Market!!! Here's pics of my table, the market, and my first customer. It was not a financial success....YET. If you're in the area, check out the market which runs through October.O'Fallon Farmers Market

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Garden Adventures with Val

So...I decided to divide some daylilies and expand flower beds on either side of our driveway. I still have to plant half the plants, and I'm done. Whew, it's been a lot of work...hopefully will pay off in the spring next year.
Also for your enjoyment, pics of the garden, including the basil that I'm going to sell at the farmer's market next week! Note the birdhouse gourd vines that are taking over the yard!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Coop in BRACES????

Yes, believe it or not, here he is. The orthodontists are recommending braces younger these days, supposed to be actually faster and easier in the long run as it leaves more space for the adult teeth to grow in straight. He also got a free t-shirt...get it? "Grill Repair??""

Good thing he likes his dairy...these pics also show how much his brother likes to copy him!