Friday, October 24, 2008

a note from "Real" America

So recently there has been talk about the "Real" America and the "Real" Virginia and so on.

So today I am going to step up and tell you something about what is real and not real. I don't care who it upsets. I don't care what your views are I am going to declare it loud and proud.


There, I said. And I'm not going to do some back peddling announcement on CNN to try please those who put beans in their chili that I didn't really mean it. I said it and I mean it.

And for heavens sake, it sure as heck isn't served over spaghetti.

Here in "Real" America we call that spaghetti sauce.


margaret said...

Thank goodness someone has finally said it. AMEN!

Jane said...

HA HA HA HA HA HA, Chad! I am laughing so hard right now. David will be so pleased with your views on beans. He think beans are from the devil. HA HA HA HA

Chad said...

@ margaret - it's good to have support of "real" chili Americans. I don't care what any polls say

@ jane - tell your husband he is a "real" chili American, not like those fake chili Americans in Cincinnati. If you eat chili in something called a "chili parlor" that's not real chili. And I mean seriously, over spaghetti?