Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wish I Would Have Written That Wednesday

Alright, time for my very irregular series WIWHWTW.

Cindy has a post about Christian buzz words. It does seem odd that a movement (that seems to me) to be based on reaching out to people outside of religion creates its own language.

I found out that Brant has another blog I have to follow along with Letters From Kamp Krusty. He is talking about prayer. It reflects some of my struggles with prayer, what it is and isn't.

Grace has a post about String Theory. I remember seeing a show about that a year or so ago and being totally fascinated, even though I didn't totally understand it.


Kimberly A. Suta said...

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p.s. if you have a video blog, we just launched By the way, great blog name!

Cindy said...

thanks chad!